The Forney 86104 flints are for Forney 86103 unit. It includes 4 replacement triangles for a total of 12 flints. It features normal to heavy duty soldering, and supports temperature range from 160°F to 930°F. This product is very easy to use and heats fast. I checked the reviews on this product. Most of the reviews are positive, so it is a good product in my view. Many customers said that the Forney flints are exactly as described by the seller on Amazon, so you are going to get a good value for the money.
Many customers said that the Forney replacement flints were straight forward replacement flints for the Forney striker. They are easy to change within few minutes. As per the users, they are easy to strike compared to others, and give a good spark with Forney triple flint striker. So, it is a great product in my view. However, some users had to re-drill the middle point for a proper fitting in their striker. Well, since this product received countless 5-star rating so it is a high quality product in my view. If you want to buy it now, please check the availability with Amazon as well. Read more… reviews a wide range of welding machines and other related tools such as welding helmets, carts, clamps, gloves, kits, hoods, masks, rods, wires and other welding accessories from leading brands such as Millar, Lincoln, Hobart and others.
BUILT TO LAST: Made From Heavy Duty Non-Corrosive Metal
DEPENDABLE: Provides Excellent Sparks - Reliably Ignites Under All Working Conditions
REFILLABLE: Each Flint Refill is Rotatable and Provides 3 Flints Each
VALUE: Includes 7 Rotatable Flints - That's 21 Flints in Total!
RELIABLE: KCC Industries is veteran-owned, and we give the utmost attention to detail and customer satisfaction. Feel free to contact us with questions or concerns.
Product Details
KCC Industries
Model #:
KCC Industries Heavy Duty Triple Flint Striker Set + 6 Replacement Long Lasting Flints