Welding Electrodes

Welding electrodes are essential tools in every form of welding. It is used to conduct the current through a work piece to fuse two pieces of metals. The welding process will determine the kind of electrodes to be used. The wire to be used will either be consumable or non-consumable. For the gas metal arc welding, it will require a consumable welding electrode. Non-consumable welding electrodes can be used in gas tungsten welding.

Welding electrodes are manufactured for different purposes. Notably, welding types will be classified by a five-digit number like the E7011M. Each figure and electrode will correspond to every piece of information, including information on the recommended welding position, the tensile strength, and even the penetration depth.

Welding electrodes will conduct the electric current, which heats it, resulting in a melt. Once it begins melting, the metals are joined together. They keep the electrode tip near the parent metal allowing the electric current to jump from the electrode tip to the other metal. The purpose, therefore, of the welding electrodes is to create an electric arc.

Welding electrodes are made up of two parts: the actual metal and the flux coating. The metal can vary from mild steel, cast iron, stainless steel copper bronze, etc. the choice of metal in welding electrodes will depend on the minerals that you want to join them together.

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WelderReview.com reviews a wide range of welding machines and other related tools such as welding helmets, carts, clamps, gloves, kits, hoods, masks, rods, wires and other welding accessories from leading brands such as Millar, Lincoln, Hobart and others.

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YESWELDER E7018 3/32'' 5LB Welding Rod Low Hydrogen Carbon Steel Stick Electrodes

YESWELDER E7018 3/32

$26.99 @ Amazon.com

Product Description

MODEL: E7018 is a low-hydrogen iron powder type electrode that produces high quality x-ray welds. It can be used in all positions on AC or DC reverse polarity welding current.

FEATURES: All position welding, recommended for welding medium grade carbon steels where no preheat is used, and on cold rolled steels normally exhibiting excessive porosity when welded with conventional electrodes.

PERFORMANCE: Steady arc, low spatter, excellent re-striking ability and high deposition efficiency.

APPLICATION: Low-alloy structurals, low, medium and high carbon steels, offshore rigs and power plants, steel structures, tack welds for tubular wire applications.

SPECIFICATION: Diameter: 3/32''; Length: 14''; Weight: 5LB. Recommended Amperages: 70A-100A.

Product Details
Model #: E7018-5LB-2.4
Size: 3/32"
Price: $26.99
YESWELDER E7018 3/32'' 5LB Welding Rod Low Hydrogen Carbon Steel Stick Electrodes

YESWELDER E7018 3/32'' 5LB Welding Rod Low Hydrogen Carbon Steel Stick Electrodes

YESWELDER E7018 3/32

$7.99 @ Amazon.com

Product Description

Use in all positions, on carbon steel

60,000 PSI tensile strength

Runs on AC or DCEP (reverse) polarity or DCEN (straight) polarity

Item Package Dimension: 15.25" L x 1.5" W x 0.5" H

Product Details
Brand: Hobart
Model #: H117119-RDP
Size: 1/16-Inch
Dimensions: 15 X 1.6 X 0.4 inches (Length X Width X Height)
Price: $7.99
Hobart H117119-RDP 6013 Stick Welding Electrode, 1/16-Inch

YESWELDER E7018 3/32'' 5LB Welding Rod Low Hydrogen Carbon Steel Stick Electrodes

YESWELDER E7018 3/32

$8.99 @ Amazon.com

Product Description

Product Introduction: E6013 welding rod is suitable for both AC and DC applications and can be used for all position welding

Welding performance: simple operation, easy arc initiation, super stable arc, beautiful weld seam, easy slag removal, and less likely to splash

Scope of application: This welding rod is particularly suitable for welding low carbon steel structures, whether it is thin plate small parts or cover welding that requires a beautiful and smooth weld surface. It can easily handle both

Welding quality: The chemical composition of the deposited metal is strictly controlled to ensure welding quality. Mechanical performance tests show that its strength and elongation meet excellent standards, demonstrating excellent quality

Adaptive current: E6013 electrode diameter corresponds to welding current reference values: 1/16 ": 25-40A, 5/64": 40-60A, 3/32 ": 50-80A, 1/8": 100-125A

Product Details
Model #: E6013
Price: $8.99
WISUNO Welding Rods,E6013 3/32'' 1LB,Carbon Steel Stick Electrodes

YESWELDER E7018 3/32'' 5LB Welding Rod Low Hydrogen Carbon Steel Stick Electrodes

YESWELDER E7018 3/32

$9.99 @ Amazon.com (Save 43%)

Product Description

The product is LB 3/32 6013 Weld Rod

Easy to use

All position welding, general purpose rod for shallow penetration or in poor fit up conditions

Excellent wetting action, yielding smooth and flat beads with steady arc with either AC or DC

Low spatter and excellent slag removal, virtually self cleaning in vertical down fillets

Use on all types of mild steel where ease of operation and good appearance is required in all positions, ideal for vertical down welding

Product Details
Brand: Forney
Model #: 30301
Warranty: 90 day warranty against manufacturer defects
Size: 3/32-Inch
Color: No Color
Dimensions: 0.75 X 1.63 X 15.25 inches (Length X Width X Height)
Price: $9.99 (Save 43%)
Forney 30301 E6013 Welding Rod, 3/32-Inch, 1-Pound

YESWELDER E7018 3/32'' 5LB Welding Rod Low Hydrogen Carbon Steel Stick Electrodes

YESWELDER E7018 3/32

$21.99 @ Amazon.com

Product Description

Country Of Origin: United States

Model Number: 770459

Item Package Dimension: 14.5" L x 3.25" W x 1.75" H

Item Package Weight: 5.4 lb

Product Details
Brand: Hobart
Model #: 770459
Size: 1/8-5lbs
Color: Factory
Dimensions: 14.5 X 3.1 X 1.7 inches (Length X Width X Height)
Price: $21.99
Hobart - 6011 1/8In Welding Electrode (770459)

YESWELDER E7018 3/32'' 5LB Welding Rod Low Hydrogen Carbon Steel Stick Electrodes

YESWELDER E7018 3/32

$20.99 ($0.26 / Ounce) @ Amazon.com (Save 17%)

Product Description

A low-hydrogen electrode for use in all positions on low, medium and high-carbon steels

70,000 PSI tensile strength

Not recommended for low-voltage AC welders

Item Package Dimension: 14.6" L x 3.1" W x 1.7" H

Product Details
Brand: Hobart
Model #: 770478
Size: 1/8-5lbs
Color: Black
Dimensions: 14.6 X 3.1 X 1.7 inches (Length X Width X Height)
Price: $20.99 ($0.26 / Ounce) (Save 17%)
Hobart 770478 7018 Stick, 1/8-5 lbs.

YESWELDER E7018 3/32'' 5LB Welding Rod Low Hydrogen Carbon Steel Stick Electrodes

YESWELDER E7018 3/32

$14.99 @ Amazon.com (Save 40%)

Product Description

These 1/8" x 14" Aluminum Electrodes are for 4043 aluminum welding for flat, horizontal and vertical applications

DC (electrode positive) only

Manufactured in South Korea

Aluminum welding for flat, horizontal and vertical applications.

DC (electrode positive) only.

Product Details
Brand: Hobart
Model #: H722844-RDP
Price: $14.99 (Save 40%)
Hobart H722844-RDP 1/8-Inch 4043 Aluminum Electrodes

YESWELDER E7018 3/32'' 5LB Welding Rod Low Hydrogen Carbon Steel Stick Electrodes

YESWELDER E7018 3/32

$23.99 @ Amazon.com

Product Description

【Versatile Welding Rod】The E6013 welding rod 3/32'' is a versatile low-carbon steel electrode that works with both AC and DC welding currents. It delivers excellent results even with low-voltage AC machines, making it ideal for a wide range of welding applications. These welding rods are suitable for both beginners and professionals.

【All-Position Welding】Designed for all-position welding, these welding rods are perfect for a variety of welding positions, including flat and vertical. The shallow penetration is ideal for working with poor-fit-up conditions, providing smooth and consistent welds with minimal effort.

【Easy to Use】The E6013 welding rods are known for their easy arc start and minimal spatter. The flux coating ensures excellent slag removal, making vertical-down welds nearly self-cleaning. This feature provides a cleaner welding environment and reduces the need for post-weld cleanup.

【Ideal for Low Carbon Steel 】These welding electrodes are specifically designed for use on low-carbon steel, making them perfect for light metal fabrication, sheet metal work, and pipe welding. Whether you're working on thin materials or small repair jobs, the E6013 welding rod offers the right balance of performance and versatility.

【Specifications and Dimensions】Diameter: 3/32" (2.5mm),Weight: 1 lb (0.45 kg),The ideal size for small to medium welding projects, offering control and ease of use.

Product Details
Brand: Saker
Model #: GJ86632-X59902
Price: $23.99
Saker E6013 Welding Rod 3/32'' 1-Pound Carbon Steel Stick Welding Electrodes

YESWELDER E7018 3/32'' 5LB Welding Rod Low Hydrogen Carbon Steel Stick Electrodes

YESWELDER E7018 3/32

$8.99 @ Amazon.com (Save 10%)

Product Description

Product Type :Tools

Package Dimensions :35.56 cm L X4.064 cm W X1.27 cm H

Country Of Origin :China

Package Weight :0.269996lbs

Product Details
Brand: Hobart
Model #: H481930-RDP
Size: 3/32-Inch
Dimensions: 14 X 1.6 X 0.5 inches (Length X Width X Height)
Price: $8.99 (Save 10%)
Hobart H481930-RDP 308L Electrodes, Stainless Steel, 3/32-Inch

YESWELDER E7018 3/32'' 5LB Welding Rod Low Hydrogen Carbon Steel Stick Electrodes

YESWELDER E7018 3/32

$20.99 @ Amazon.com (Save 26%)

Product Description

A low-hydrogen electrode for use in all positions on low, medium and high-carbon steels

70,000 PSI tensile strength

Not recommended for low-voltage AC welders

Item Package Dimension: 14.5" L x 3.25" W x 1.75" H

Product Details
Brand: Hobart
Model #: 770482
Size: 32 Inch
Color: Black
Price: $20.99 (Save 26%)
Hobart 770482 7018 Stick, 3/32-5lbs

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