Everyone will look for the top quality brands that will deliver perfect welds. The Lincoln welding rods are one of such kinds that always excels. The Lincoln welding rods are the filler electrodes or filler metals that are used to join the two base metals when performing a shielded metal arc welding! Welding rods can be so many in the selling platforms, and it will be a challenge choosing a single brand from the many options that already exist in the best-selling platforms.
Lincoln welding rods are the excellent choices that will accord that rare simplicity and convenience in all that you do. Lincoln is a giant brand that always accords welders with those amazing welding rods that will be essential for fusing the metals types such as the steel, cast iron and the rest.
For the expert welders whose main task is the joining the base metals when performing the shielded metal arc welding process, Lincoln rods will be the option! Lincoln welding rods are simply the best and the brand is an excellent one that always gives perfect rods that aim at giving the perfect welds. They are inexpensive welding rods that always makes the welder’s task to be simpler! Make a decision and buy the perfect Lincoln welding rods that are available in all the platforms that deals with welding tools.
MODEL: E7018 is a low-hydrogen iron powder type electrode that produces high quality x-ray welds. It can be used in all positions on AC or DC reverse polarity welding current.
FEATURES: All position welding, recommended for welding medium grade carbon steels where no preheat is used, and on cold rolled steels normally exhibiting excessive porosity when welded with conventional electrodes.
PERFORMANCE: Steady arc, low spatter, excellent re-striking ability and high deposition efficiency.
APPLICATION: Low-alloy structurals, low, medium and high carbon steels, offshore rigs and power plants, steel structures, tack welds for tubular wire applications.